The iPhone 5 is already the topic for speculations, in spite of us not even knowing if such a device will be preceded by an iPhone 4 upgrade or not. This time, we learn that received a tip concerning the implementation of a NFC chip on the next Apple iPhone.

NFC, short for Near Field Communication is a short range wireless connection technology, that’s very useful for making mobile payments. Basically, such a chip would turn the iPhone into an electronic wallet or security passkey. NFC is already popular in Asia and it’s ready to make an entrancce on the Western market, specially if the new iPhone incorporates it.

eWallet apps are to follow, if Apple does use this technology. Also, we learn that the Cupertino giant might be researching NFC for other purposes as well, like syncing the handset with desktop devices. For example, you can walk into a room, right next to a Mac and have your contacts, preferences and setting synced with the iPhone in an instant via NFC.

One you leave the room, the Mac will be restored to its default settings and you’ll take your “profile” with you. Cloud solutions coupled with NFC connectivity could spawn a new type of syncing, that doesn’t require wires, which is always a welcome feature.

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