LG has gone the way of the Galaxy S with its Optimus mid-range units. Thus, like the Galaxy S (available in many different versions, on different carriers), the Optimus S is now rebranded for Virgin, for example. Well, as you might know, Virgin is Sprint’s brand and their choice of rebranding turned the handset below into LG Optimus V.

The handset has already started selling on some locations and lucky buyers have already posted pics and vids of the product. What’s this unit? Basically an Optimus S with Virgin software on it, instead of Sprint’s layer of apps. The price is $150 off contract, a pretty aggressive offer, even for a pretty minor carrier.

What to expect from this handset? Well, a 600MHz CPU, Android 2.2, Bluetooth 2.1, WiFi, a microSD card slot, 3.2MP camera and autofocus.

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