After seeing Samsung developing its own OS (Bada) and Nokia plus Intel working on MeeGo, Motorola’s movement towards an in-house platform is not at all absurd. Some Linkedin status changes of Azingo employees have recently shown that this company might have been bought by Motorola. Who’s Azingo? Just another mobile Linux OS firm…

Actually, their platform looks quite fine, with a Webkit-based browser and Flash runtime, so Moto could be readying something big. This would go perfectly with what Moto co-CEO Sanjay Jha said weeks ago, when he mentioned that “owning your OS is important”. Sure, an in-house developed platform makes devices cheaper, but what about the cooperation with Google and Microsoft?

Let us not forget that Android was the one that pulled Motorola out of the financial dump and back into profit…

[via Engadget]

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