There have been a lot of rumors lately, regarding the next iteration of Android, that some say could be version 4.2. We have no idea if this OS will end up being Key Lime Pie or not, but what we do know is that two Android 4.2 devices from Motorola have leaked in benchmarks.

I’m talking about Motorola Occam and Manta, two names shown in the screenshots above. The name Occam makes us think about Occam’s Razor, so we’re dealing with a RAZR smartphone here probably, now listed in the AnTuTu benchmark database of tested devices. It gets an overall score of 9817 and we spotted a CPU frequency of 1512 MHz. Speculations say that it could be using a quad core CPU, or maybe a dual core CPU of the Snapdragon S4 kind, but with a boost from Android 4.2.

Manta is supposed to be a Motorola tablet, short for Manta-ray and related to Wingray and Stingray, codenames applied for older Xoom versions. This one is a slate with Android 4.2 on board and an AnTuTu score of 8077, that’s using a 1.7 GHz processor. So, should we be waiting two new Nexus devices from Motorola, one from LG and some other ones from HTC (a phablet) and Samsung? That’s what rumors seem to indicate…

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