Motorola recently announced that it will eliminate the MOTOMAGX and Symbian platforms from its future devices, focusing on Google Android, Windows Mobile and P2K 3G solutions instead. The company will also postpone the division into two segments for later.

The American phone manufacturer mentioned that it will launch a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone in the second half of 2009 and an Android device in the holiday season, next year. Moto’s officials claim that the first semester of 2009 will be a real challenge for the company, as it’ll launch very few products in that period, saving about $800 million.

Regarding the separation of Motorola into 2 different companies, this was first mentioned in March 2008. The two segments would be “Mobile Devices” and “Broadband and Mobile Sllutions”, but the move was postpone, because of the economic depression, which could kill both of the resulting companies.

[via pcmag]

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