And here’s another teaser, this time appearing on the official Samsung Russia website. They posted a countdown to a mystery day, that doesn’t seem to mean anything, since it shows a date that’s 6 days from now. This is not May 3rd, the date when Samsung will announce the flagship phone…

I tend to believe it’s a mistake or something, since the countdown keeps resetting if you refresh the page and stays at around 6 days and a couple of hours. This could be a puzzle, just like the name of the page where Samsung posted the teaser for its new phone on Monday. Once again those mystery spots in blue and white appear, looking like some shiny fluid or sorts. Maybe Samsung Russia will hold its own launch event for the Galaxy S III or maybe they’ll start selling the device on May 5th….

Anyway, if you can figure the mystery of the countdown, you can post the solution in the comments area below. I’d say it’s a mistake if I didn’t know that Samsung likes to tease and mess with the minds of their fans.

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