What do you think about a Samsung Galaxy phone that costs a mere $150? And that’s the off contract price! I’m talking about the Samsung Galaxy Precedent, a device that’s very similar to the Samsung Prevail, of you ask me.

The features to take note of are the big volume rocker, external microSD card slot on the side of the device and the fact that the camera doesn’t come with a flash. We don’t have an official launch date for this smartphone, but at least you can reverse your own unit today courtesy of Straight Talk and WalMart.

As far as specs go, you get a 3.2 inch touchscreen, 800 MHz processor, 384MB of RAM, Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS. There’s also a 2MP shooter at the back, in case you’re wondering, but the real appeal is that $150 price tag. You can pair this offer with a $45 a month unlimited everything contract from Straight Talk, if you want.

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