Samsung SCH-W960 is another one of the Asian phone maker’s premieres, being the first 3D AMOLED display phone to be officially introduced. The handset can display 3D images without requiring special glasses and the 3D mode can be activated via a button on the device.

You can control the SCH-W960 through gestures, thanks to its incorporated accelerometer and we also have to mention that the handset relies on the Touch Wiz 2.0 interface. We expect the new Samsung phone to be released locally first, via SKT, KT and LGT operators.

The device comes with support for WCDMA/HSUPA and GSM standards, a 13.99mm waistline, a 3.2 inch touchscreen display (240 x 400 pixels), a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus and a T-DMB TV receiver. Samsung SCH-W960 weighs 119 grams and uses a microsD card, an electronic dictionary, currency converter, supports Bluetooth 2.1 and USB connectivity.

[via mobile review]

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