Yesterday the annual Apple sharedholders’ meeting took place in Cupertino, in the absence of Steve Jobs, who has been on medical leave for a while and will continue to be in the following months. Even if Jobs wasn’t there, he was one of the most talked about issues during the meeting, since everyone was concerned about him.


In spite of taking the medical leave in January, in order to solve his complex health issues, Jobs is still involved in important decision making in the company, although he’s not running the show full time. During the above-mentioned meeting, things got tense, as some of Apple’s investors didn’t like the fact that the executives weren’t providing any info on Steve Jobs.

In other news, the shareholders even pulled out a neat stunt yesterday, singing “Happy Birthday” to the main man at Apple, as Jobs had turned 54 on Tuesday. However, they expressed their main regret: Apple’s co-founder was not there and neither was the cheer and charisma he brought to the past meetings.

Right now, Tim Cook is still Chief Operating Office, in Steve Jobs’ absence and it’s very likely that he’ll continue as CEO, in case the Apple visionary retires.

[via Reuters]

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