Samsung has hit another big milestone, with the aid of its Galaxy S III flagship. It has reached sales of 30 million units of the Galaxy S III all over the world. The number includes both the i9300 version and the carrier modified units sold in countries like USA, Korea and Japan.

If you remember, the head of Samsung Mobile, JK Shin predicted such sales, since he said in September that the Galaxy S III would reach 30 million units sold by the year end and here we are. The smartphone already reached the 20 million milestone in September, making the performance even crazier, since it took only 2 months for another 10 million units to be sold. And all of that while the iPhone 5 was on the market… JK Shin also predicts that 20 million Galaxy Note II units will be sold during its life cycle and I expect him to be right again.

The 30 million Galaxy S IIIs moved around are even more impressive if you consider that the device hit the store shelves about 5 months ago. With the holiday season coming up, I expect the number to increase by quite a bit and we may even hit 40 million around mid January 2013 or so. Is there any other Android maker out there who can claim at least one third of the units sold by Samsung with a flagship?!

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