Phone Arena managed to score a Pixon12 M8910 unit for review and this 12 megapixel cameraphone proved to be as cool as expected, if not even more. The design of the original Pixon model was kept, albeit this one is a bit slimmer and the overall look mimics the one of a point and shoot digital camera.


There’s a 3.1 inch resistive AMOLED touchscreen display on board, strangely enough a smaller screen than the one of the predecessor of this phone. However, the 480 x 800 pixels resolution is just great, but the display disappoints when you use it in direct sunlight. As far as the UI is concerned, Pixon12 comes with TouchWiz 2.0, a lag-free version of the interface, with nice widgets, smooth transitions and a very responsive solution overall.


Three home screens are available for you and widgets that can be placed on specific screens, according to the user’s tastes and desire for personalization. Samsung’s new cameraphone also supports multi-tasking and you’ll be able to bring up the task manager by pressing and holding down the middle hardware button, if you need it.

Moving on to the most interesting aspect of the phone, the 12 megapixel camera, we learn that it features blink and smile detection, a dedicated camera button, customizable resolution, ISO levels, effects and white balance. The on board Xenon flash will be of great help, specially as far as photo realism is concerned, but you can find out more on that from the full review.


[via Phone Arena]

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