The image you can see below is the blurry and fresh T-Mobile roadmap, recently leaked only and showing the handsets to come in the following months. They include models we know, like Motorola Charm and Samsung Vibrant, that will debut on July 21, or the myTouch 3G, Cliq and Cliq XT, ready to get Eclair updates in August.

HTC Vanguard is also on the list, ready to debut on September 9th, while Moto Charm will receive an update around that time of the month, too. HTC Emerald is slated for a November 5 launch date, together with Motorola Jordan and a strange handset named Begonia.

Last, we learn that a new HTC phone, the Schubert will be coming on November 17. This is unconfirmed and unofficial info, so take it with a grain of salt.


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