FireFox Mobile is loose! Well, not the loose we were hoping for, to test on our Windows Mobile devices, since this is an unstable leaked version we’re dealing with. Fuzemobility posted a link towards the cab file for Fennec, but we don’t know if this is the version we’ll be seeing next week.
David K from FuzeMobility claims that the leaked version is NOT the one that will surface next week, because it’s unstable, it has 23 MB, it requires a soft reset after the installation process and it installs in the Games folder. He also claims that loading times are pretty mediocre and the browser is not very responsive, but there are some interesting features to have a look at.
Among them there’s the keyboard, that doesn’t pop-up automatically, so you’ll need to start typing on the physical one in order for the onscreen keyboard to appear. The default option of the browser is to load the mobile version of a website and the displayed font is quite tiny.
If you’re the type of risk taker, here’s the download link for the cab file and we’re looking forward to hearing other experiences with the new Mozille Mobile browser.
[via wmpoweruser]