Moto Aura was probably the hottest luxury phone of the past years and now it gets a follow-up, from the same handset maker, Moto Ivory E18. The cheapest version of this handset comes with a stainless steel case and will retail for about 2000 EUR. Expect the Gold and Platinum case units to sell for at least 5 times that price.


Ivory sports an original dual sliding design, allowing the user to slide the moving part a bit, in order to reveal the function keys and slide it a little more for the full T9 keypad to surface.

E18’s specs are quite similar to Moto Aura’s and there’s also a 3 megapixel camera on board. The surprising news however, is the fact that this phone will never see the light of day, since it’s been cancelled because of the carriers’ lack of interest…  Tough luck for Moto, right?

[via Unwired View]

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