Nokia Beta Labs is proud to show you its latest achievement, a mixed reality application for Symbian^3 devices. This software offers a 3D real time perspective of the entire world, in first person view. You can look down to the Earth and view all the cities, plus info and even pictures.

You just point your phone to a certain direction and the physical reality around you will become a sort of 3D first person map with landmarks. Nokia 3D World Gaze is the app we’re talking about and this one’s aimed at exploring the world from the safety of your smartphone. You can use the software anywhere on the globe and its use is encouraged especially when traveling.

This is a mere beta version for now, but the future will bring improvements and enhancements. Feedback is crucial at this stage and the creators of the software want to hear from you what kind of content you’d like to see in the app in the future. Keep in mind that this is not associated with Nokia Maps or Ovi Maps 3D Beta, so no confusion here!

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