Sony Ericsson is one of the few companies not jumping on the Windows Phone 7 train these days, while most of the other phone makers have already created a device with the Microsoft OS on board. Nokia has recently joined the gang and Sony Ericsson might already have a prototype in testing, if the image below is to be believed:

The device sports a sliding QWERTY keyboard, reminding us of the design of the LG Quantum and HTC 7 Pro. The Xperia Blog picked up this image and Pocketnow mentioned that some of the Windows Phone 7 tiles look like the old ones when the OS was still in development phase. Could this mean that the handset has been ready for a while now?

If yes, it could have been plagued by issues, or delayed till the big NoDO WP7 update is out. Or maybe it’s all a fake and that’s that.

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