A recent study made by Digitimes Research has shown that Motorola is very likely to become the world’s top Android handset vendor, replacing HTC in this segment. The switch will take place this year and Moto will get a 34.7% share of the Android market, while HTC will only reach 31.9%.

In 2009, HTC sold 6 million Android phones, making the company the number one vendor of the devices running this OS, with a 64.5% market share. The really impressive feat is that Moto Droid reached 2 million units sold by itself, accounting for 25% of the global Android phone sells in less than 3 months after its October 2009 launch.

Motorola has also released 7 more Android smartphones after Droid’s launch and it plans to launch a total of 30 models this year, according to industry sources in Taiwan. Digitimes Research expect Moto to ship a total of 12.5 to 15.6 million units in 2010, with the total sales of Android smartphones reaching 35-36 million units.

[via digitimes]

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