Nokia World 2011 wasn’t all about low end phones with social networking and Angry Birds, or the first two WP7 devices from Nokia (Lumia 800 and 710), but also some fresh software and services. Among the new offers on this side we find Nokia Drive.

You mustn’t confuse Nokia Drive with Nokia Maps, since the latter is a sort of Google Maps, while the former has the advantage of turn by turn navigation support. Nokia Drive was created with the Lumia series in mind and it uses up all of the Finnish handset maker experience in the field of positioning and navigation. The app handles tough traffic, has a simple UI and shows a basic map with the position of the user, his speed and the way he’s headed.

There’s also the distance displayed and Nokia Drive will provide both 2D and 3D views of maps, a night mode and a satellite view. The user will get suggestions when typing an address or destination, plus a history of his searches. With a swipe among the search results you’ll find your favorite places to go. Nokia will save you a lot of data traffic, offering preinstalled maps for over 100 countries. Nokia Lumia 800 and Lumia 710 will come with this software installed and meanwhile here’s a hands on demo for it.

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