If you’re fans of Opera Mobile, you’ll think again before choosing this mobile browser over Skyfire, a pretty good rival in this segment. In the video below you can see Skyfire 1.5 going head to head against Opera Mobile 10:

Opera Mobile 10 uses the Speed Dial system, showing a series of thumbnails with quickly accessible links, right from the start page, while Skyfire 1.5 will only show a list of quick links from its main screen. You’ll access the Settings menu both on Opera and Skyfire, as the last option of the bottom row, with the first browser providing the “Advanced” option.

Skyfire has a simple one page Settings menu and if we’re talking about similarities, know that the virtual keyboards on both browsers have some resemblances. Moving on to the real duel, the video above shows a comparison between the speed of Skyfire 1.5 and Opera Mobile 10, both loading the careace.net site.

As you can see, Skyfire loads the site 5 seconds faster than its rival and, as a difference between the two, we can notice that Skyfire doesn’t come with a “forward” option for its web pages, sticking with “back”, but also adding a zoom in/out function at the bottom of the screen.

[via wmpoweruser]

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